Will I ever get it together?

Little boy smiling on bed wile his family sleep

Many mommas are knee deep in the busyness of summer. Your time may be spent with a tiny one, needing constant attention: days filled with diaper changes, clothing changes, crying baby, sleeping baby, eating baby. Your days may be filled with a preschooler or maybe a bit older: days filled with chasing, entertaining, singing, playing, whining, snacking, chauffeuring. Let’s not forget the household chores: scrubbing, planning, cooking, baking, washing, sorting, folding. What was that, you work outside of the home? You also have relationships with a spouse, sibling, or friend to nurture. You have errands to run, schedules to keep and a home to manage.

When I sat down at my computer, I intended on writing a post for Thankful Thursday, it was called Sweet Dreams. In it I shared a glimpse from one of the entries from my personal journal. (That is rare!)I encourage moms, whether in therapy or not to keep a Thankful Journal. Some ladies are not used to keeping this type of journal so it would have been an example of this type of activity. I had my post ready, but when I sat down to type this is what came out. I often tell the women I work with that I wouldn’t ask them to do anything that I would not make an effort to do myself. Considering that, I know the message of this post is for you and me.

My desire for you is to be gentle with yourself. Embrace the fact that there are bumps in life: lost keys, traffic, a bad hair day, an argument with a loved one, whining little ones, impeding deadlines, sickness, injury, career concerns, death, anxiety, depression, fill in the blank. Notice I said embrace, not avoid or ignore. Obviously the impact of these bumps varies, but no matter what, these bumps on top of the “normal” can really impact us. Don’t be so hard on yourself, don’t get caught in the comparison (Jessica is a better cook) or expectation (I can get everything done, all the time) trap. Be encouraged and know that this too will pass.

Sending You a Virtual Hug and Wishing You Heartfelt Moments,


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